Archive for April, 2005

Podcast about podcasts as comments in podcasts (pretty recursive, huh?)

Saturday, April 30th, 2005

Adam Curry's got a new “Strategy 'cast” out, and it triggered an idea. Why not build podcasting sites so that the comments to podcasts are podcasts? Buncha interesting software widgets would have to get built, and there's some etiquette to figure out. But some neat things could happen. Podcasting could cross-pollinate and cross-promote a lot better, and it could make for more interesting shows.

Download the podcast, or…

Listen to it as a stream (starts playing immediately, doesn't stay on your machine when it's done)

Podcasting — free of internal politics

Wednesday, April 20th, 2005

Internal politics is an inevitable part of any community radio station. There are all sorts of reasons why — and podcasting neatly avoids most of them. Of course, sometimes politics is a creative force that drives the content to new places, but for the most part it's just something that gets in the way. Now we're free!

Download the podcast, or…

Listen to it as a stream (starts playing immediately, doesn't stay on your machine when it's done)

Advertising and podcasting

Monday, April 18th, 2005

In the words of Elmer Fudd, be vewwy vewwy careful… Advertising leads to choices you may wish you hadn't made later on. It's one of the reasons that “Public” broadcasting is in the fix it's in today. And the nice thing is, community podcasters don't need advertising the way community radio stations did.

Download the podcast, or…

Listen to it as a stream (starts playing immediately, doesn't stay on your machine when it's done)

Community access — access for whom, the listener or the story teller?

Thursday, April 14th, 2005

Podcasting solves a big problem that plagues community radio stations — the eternal balancing act between providing access to the airwaves for all while at the same time providing an audience.

A little controversial on the music selection for this one — Bruce Hornsby. 9.3 mBytes

Download the podcast, or…

Listen to it as a stream (starts playing immediately, doesn't stay on your machine when it's done)

Podcasts as an organizing tool — in your community or your company

Wednesday, April 13th, 2005

Audio is a great way to communicate. Very rich, all kinds of subtle things happen that don't in the written word, and are Too Hard in video. Here are some thoughts on how podcasting is a great way to reach a community, even inside your own company. Very subversive too — kinda like email, it “flows around obstructions.”

Heck, there's even Moody Scott blues tune to put you in the mood. Who could ask for more? 9.5 mBytes

Download the podcast, or…

Listen to it as a stream (starts playing immediately, doesn't stay on your machine when it's done)

Voice style — Why you don't need to talk like a radio DJ

Monday, April 11th, 2005

Community podcasting is about real people telling their own stories, in their own voices. A little about the history of why radio people talk the way they do, and why you don't need to.

Download the podcast, or…

Listen to it as a stream (starts playing immediately, doesn't stay on your machine when it's done)

All the words you CAN say in a podcast, even if you can't on the radio…

Sunday, April 10th, 2005

Radio is a shared space, like a city park, and there are rules governing your behavior there. Podcasting space is also shared, but it's an interactive place that you choose to enter — so the rules are different.

Download the podcast, or…

Listen to it as a stream (starts playing immediately, doesn't stay on your machine when it's done)

Remotes — Taking it to the streets

Saturday, April 9th, 2005

Podcasting, especially community podcasting, is all about letting people tell their own stories. In order to do that, you gotta go to them. This will undoubtedly be a recurring theme. In this one, listen to a few general thoughts about remotes, plus a little bit about digital gear that makes producing them a lot easier.

Download the podcast, or…

Listen to it as a stream (starts playing immediately, doesn't stay on your machine when it's done)

Rant and a record — the format of these podcasts

Saturday, April 9th, 2005

I’m thinking that the format of podcasts can take many forms. Listen to this one to learn about my views on format, why I like the 10-minute “rant and a record” idea, plus the obligatory tweaking of the broadcast industry… 8.3 mBytes

Download the podcast, or…

Listen to it as a stream (starts playing immediately, doesn't stay on your machine when it's done)