Reverting to the old format, this show explores how podcasting can really enhance an existing community. Several thoughtful emails and conversations came together for this show as I explore how podcasting might help a gaming community or enhance an online newsletter. I think podcasting in conjunction with a community that already exists has several advantages, not the least of which is the feedback mechanism that can tell the podcaster whether they’re doing a good job.
Archive for the ‘Community podcasting’ Category
Sex, podcasting and existing communities
Monday, August 29th, 2005The other "community" in community podcasting
Tuesday, July 26th, 2005Your fellow podcasters can help you be a lot better podcaster. This show explores the whys and hows of all that. It's not just the community you podcast TO, it's the community you podcast WITH.
If you can't find a gang to hang out with in your town, consider hanging out here. If 10 of you send email, I'll fire up a little online forum for us.
Show notes;
I hang out with a gang called Podcast Minnesota. A great example of a podcasting community.
Tinkerers and do-it-yourselfers unite! Podcasting is a medium for YOU!
Wednesday, June 29th, 2005Why do we DO this podcasting stuff anyway??? All kinds of reasons, but one is 'cause it's fun to make stuff.
Gad there are a lot of fun projects to do in the podcasting realm. Audio widgets to tinker with, software to write, lotsa stuff to figure out in this emerging medium. And, of course, carrying on the tradition of helping OTHER people along once we've figured it out for ourselves.
Podcasting — free of internal politics
Wednesday, April 20th, 2005Internal politics is an inevitable part of any community radio station. There are all sorts of reasons why — and podcasting neatly avoids most of them. Of course, sometimes politics is a creative force that drives the content to new places, but for the most part it's just something that gets in the way. Now we're free!
Listen to it as a stream (starts playing immediately, doesn't stay on your machine when it's done)
Community access — access for whom, the listener or the story teller?
Thursday, April 14th, 2005Podcasting solves a big problem that plagues community radio stations — the eternal balancing act between providing access to the airwaves for all while at the same time providing an audience.
A little controversial on the music selection for this one — Bruce Hornsby. 9.3 mBytes
Listen to it as a stream (starts playing immediately, doesn't stay on your machine when it's done)
Podcasts as an organizing tool — in your community or your company
Wednesday, April 13th, 2005Audio is a great way to communicate. Very rich, all kinds of subtle things happen that don't in the written word, and are Too Hard in video. Here are some thoughts on how podcasting is a great way to reach a community, even inside your own company. Very subversive too — kinda like email, it “flows around obstructions.”
Heck, there's even Moody Scott blues tune to put you in the mood. Who could ask for more? 9.5 mBytes
Listen to it as a stream (starts playing immediately, doesn't stay on your machine when it's done)